Welcome to my personal blog. I can’t imagine what brings you here. Maybe you know me and want to know more. If that’s the case, I don’t recommend it.
If you don’t know me, nice to meet you! Google is probably punishing you for searching about subjects that make it evident your mind is as twisted as mine. Consider seeking professional help. 🙂
Anyway, if you insist on reading my blog, or following my links, you do so at your own risk. Keep in mind that your life may change forever. Okay, maybe not, but you have been warned.
The site has a very simple layout. It is intended to serve as a gateway into my life and mind. A door in cyberspace open to infinite possibilities. I hope it serves to attract the people and opportunities that will help fulfill my mission in life. Please contact me if you feel I can help you, or if you feel you can help me in some way.
I hope we both find what we are looking for.